Union First Line Index of English Verse

13th-19th Century (bulk 1500-1800)

Searching the Union First Line Index

Keyword Search

Enter one or more words in the query box. When more than one word is entered, And is the default connector. ALL searchable fields in the entire database are searched in Keyword Search. Entries are not case sensitive. Therefore, searching with More will retrieve works associated with Sir Thomas More as well as records containing the word “more” anywhere in the record.

To search with a truncated word in Keyword Search append an asterisk (*). Searching with More* will retrieve Morelius and Morellus, as well as records containing the name More and the word “more.”

When searching with more than one word, enter a minus sign (-) before a word if it must not be retrieved (e.g., Cromwell –Protector, i.e., retrieve Cromwell items but none that contains "Protector"). To search for a phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks (e.g., “Oliver Cromwell” –Protector, i.e., works related to Oliver Cromwell but not those containing the word "Protector").

For a directed search, go to Advanced Search.

Advanced Search

In the first column of boxes, choose either Keyword or a field from the drop down menu. In the second column, except when searching the Keyword which has a single default setting, select directions for conducting the search (Contains, Begins with, Does not contain). In the third column, enter the information sought. Enter only one term in the third box. Choose either AND or OR as connectors for the material selected; AND is default.

Searching with truncated or parts of words in any of the fields does not require an asterisk. For example, searching for poll in the First Line field will retrieve works with poll, Pollio, and Apollo in the first lines.

With Keyword, the minus sign (-) functions as it does in Keyword Search.