Union First Line Index of English Verse

13th-19th Century (bulk 1500-1800)

First Line: Thou stranger, which for Rome, in Rome here seekest 
Author (Last name, First): Spenser, Edmund, 1552?_1599 
Title: `The ruins of old Rome by [Rene du] Bellay, [baron de LaLande]__translated by...' 
First Line (Transcribed):  
Second Line:  
Last Line: And that is flitting, doth abide and stay. 
Library: YO 
Shelfmark: c.360/1 
Folio: p. 145 
Ref Nbr: Osborn T2116 
Number of Lines:  
Verse/Stanza Form:  
Publication Author/Editor:  
Publication Title:  
Publication Date:  
Musical Settings:  
Names Mentioned:  
Other Names:  
Translations/Imitations: La Lande, RenT du Bellay, baron de, d. 1606 