Union First Line Index of English Verse
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93 Records Found
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Indulgent nature to each kind bestows
Sadlow, Dr. [ ]
`Upon the bursar in St. John's in Oxford who 1708 cut down a beautiful row of limes' [attr. Dr. E.]
And bears the like antipathy to trees.
Add. 37684
f. 3
Stella and Flavia every hour
*Earle, Jabez? or Barber, Mary?
`On the duchesses of Newcastle and Queensberry'
Each day gives Stella more.
Add. 37684
f. 3
Indulgent nature on each kind bestows
On the Bursar of St. Johns Oxon cutting down a fine Row of Trees.
And bears a like antipathy to trees.
Add. 37684
f. 3
Stella and Flavia every hour
Stella and Flavia.
Each day gives Stella more.
Add. 37684
f. 3
Be kind my dear Chloe let's kiss and let's love
Walpole, Catherine, 1st wife of Sir Robert Walpole
"Bouts-Rimez, given Sir W[illiam] Young by Lady Walpole, and filld up very soon by Him. "
When he had no shame and his Eve had no fear.
Add. 37684
f. 3v
Conubio stabili Damoni juncta Corinna
An Epigram spoke at the Westminster Election. - Omnia siccis Dura.
Irridet linguae fulmina bruta madens.
Add. 37684
f. 3v
Oh thou who labourest in this rugged mine
Madan, Judith, wife of Col. Martin Madan, M.P.
By Mrs Cowper in her Bro' Coke upon Littleton.
When tenants in fee simple stuff thy coffers.
Add. 37684
f. 4
Quam dextre formosa vibrat Sacharissa flabellum
Haslam, Christopher, Canon of Wells
Machina spectantum torret amore iecur.
Add. 37684
f. 4
Fly careless nymph, from thy pursuer fly,
[no heading?]
Add. 37684
f. 4v
Well for mankind had Adam been so dull
[no heading?]
Add. 37684
f. 4v
When Caesar died, he brav'd each killing wound
Irwin, [ ], lady
[no heading?]
Add. 37684
f. 4v
Fly careless nymph from thy pursuer fly
Advice to Miss R[a]dc[li]ff to avoid Dr Ashenhurst.
Plant anything but laurels on his brow.
Add. 37684
f. 4v
Well for mankind had Adam been so dull
On Mr Jervois's refusing Lady Sidley a Breakfast at Bath.
He by stupidity had saved his race.
Add. 37684
f. 4v
When Caesar died he braved each killing round
Writ (as is said) by Lady Irwin Daughter to the Earl of Carlisle.
Where blushes rose in scorn of human race.
Add. 37684
f. 4v
Whilst ancient dames and heroes in us live
Hoadley, Benjamin
Add. 37684
f. 5
Whilst ancient dames and heroes in us live
Hoadly, Benjamin, bp.
Prologue to All for Love. by. B[ishop of] S[alisbury]. Spoken to his Grace the Duke of Marlborough.
The memory of past actions great and good.
Add. 37684
f. 5
Sir Robert his merit and interest to show
On Sir Rob. Walpole being made Knight of the Garter.
Odd numbers are lucky he waits for a third.
Add. 37684
f. 5v
Ne perconteris quae me mala dulcis amice
Hardinge, Nicholas
...Mr H[ardinge]'s horse threw Him and he was left at Uppingham Rutlandshire whence he wrote this Letter to Mr Page.
Iurabis Batava faciem dignam esse tabella.
Add. 37684
f. 6
Ulla si parvae tibi cura mensae
Hardinge, Nicholas
Verses sent with some Cottenham Cheeses. by Mr Harding.
Rustica Phyllis.
Add. 37684
f. 6v
Farewell vain world! And thou its vainest part
Ibbot, Benjamin
[`A fit of the spleen']
Of which the noisy, babbling world complains.
Add. 37684
f. 7
Farewell vain world and thou its vainest part
Ibbot, Benjamin; Pope, Alexander
A Fit of the Spleen.
Inly she bleeds and pants her soul away.
Add. 37684
f. 7
Thy fatal pencil overacts its part
Taylor, W.
Add. 37684
f. 7v
Thy fatal pencil overacts its part
Taylor, William, of South Weald
On Cymon and Iphigenia's picture drawn by a Lady.
To make a fool grow wise now makes the wise run mad.
Add. 37684
f. 7v
Old Horace says a man who used to expose
Steele, Sir Richard
"Prologue. by Sir R. Steel. Spoken by a Lad in Girls Cloaths, before Tamerlane. "
After this ample petticoat and hoop.
Add. 37684
f. 8
How hard 'twill be to go to school again
Steele, Sir Richard
"Epilogue. Sir R. Steel. To Tamerlane, spoken by the Lad, who acted Bajazet. "
We'll teach our children what we learn from you.
Add. 37684
f. 8v
A jolly brave toper who could not forbear
Taylor, W.
Add. 37684
f. 9
A jolly brave toper who could not forbear
Taylor, William, of South Weald
The Dropsicall Man.
No sooner are tapped but they give up the ghost.
Add. 37684
f. 9
Who strives to mount Parnassus' hill
Titley, Walter
A Reply to a Copy of Verses made in Imitation of the 2d Ode of the 3 Book of Horace Angustam amici &c & sent to Dr Bentley by Mr Titley in the same measure and Numbers of Lines.
Great without patron rich without South Sea.
Add. 37684
f. 9v
Ye grave scarlet doctors
`Upon the King's going to Cambridge April 1728. The royal progress on the Trinity Bear, alias Dr. Bentley'
But no bishopric fall to their daddy.
Add. 37684
f. 10
Ye grave scarlet doctors
"The Royal Progress, or the Trinity Bear. "
But no bishopric fall on their daddy.
Add. 37684
f. 10
Thou precious volume be my guide
Lyttelton, George, 1st Baron Lyttelton
Written in a Gentlemans Coke upon Littleton.
Consign both thee and me.
Add. 37684
f. 12
Do not most fragrant Earl disclaim
Rowe, Nicholas
`The Ld. Granville to the earl of Scarsdale'
Am turn'd of five and forty.
Add. 37684
f. 13
Do not most fragrant earl disclaim
Rowe, Nicholas
To the Earl of Sc[ar]sd[al]e by Lord G[ra]nv[il]l[e]. Ode 4 Book 2 Hor:
Am turned of five and forty.
Add. 37684
f. 13
Are these the crowns that grace the faithful heads
Taylor, W.
Add. 37684
f. 13v
Are these the crowns that grace the faithful heads
Taylor, William, of South Weald
Epilogue to Seige of Damascus. Acted by Lads. Spoke by Caled Entering with Sachell on his Head.
And leave to future times a never-dying name.
Add. 37684
f. 13v
The entertainment we present today
Taylor, William, of South Weald
Prologue to Tamerlane. (acted by little boys).
You see we are but men and then may err.
Add. 37684
f. 14v
Goody Breedwell presented her husband each year
Taylor, W.
Add. 37684
f. 15
Goody Breedwell presented her husband each year
Taylor, William, of South Weald
How safe should I be when I'd both of them on.
Add. 37684
f. 15
Long time did a silly old proverb prevail
Taylor, W.
Add. 37684
f. 15v
Long time did a silly old proverb prevail
Taylor, William, of South Weald
Hull Ale.
Must be a good drab if it kept you so dry.
Add. 37684
f. 15v
Hear all ye friends to knighthood
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
"On Sir W[illiam] Morgan Knight of the Bath, losing the Badge of his Order. "
Whereon ye hang your glory.
Add. 37684
f. 16
The entertainment we present today | May seem the fairy vision of a play
Taylor, W.
Add. 37684
f. 16v
To give ye joy ye jacks I come
Harlequin to the Jacobites. August.1. 1724.
He may have George's place.
Add. 37684
f. 16v
August the first when Anna died
The Jacobite Chronicle.
But at the tower we'll show it.
Add. 37684
f. 17
From gout and pox and plague and women free
Daniel, ----, attorney
Mr Daniel an attorney made whilst he had the Gout & other misfortunes.
Here freed in what a happy state am I.
Add. 37684
f. 18v
Queen of the gloomy king whose awful sway
Rowe, Nicholas
Pindars Ode to Proserpine. Translated from the French of La Motte.
And the great bard himself my equal numbers own.
Add. 37684
f. 19
When English ladies to their friends endite
Prologue Tamerlane.
Even to attempt it merits your applause.
Add. 37684
f. 23
By various arts to gain your praise we've tried
Epilogue. spoken by Arpasia.
And your petitioners shall ever pray.
Add. 37684
f. 24
Since you dear doctor saved my life
C. H. to Sir Hans Sloan who sav'd his life & desir'd him to send over all the Rarities he cou'd find in his Travels.
To do as has done yours C. H.
Add. 37684
f. 25
Happy those worms who spun their lives away
Taylor, William, of South Weald
A very Gallant Copy of verses (but somewhat silly) upon the Ladies & the Ladies fine Cloaths at a Ball.
And burnt the web their curious art had made.
Add. 37684
f. 26v
How strangely doth the power of custom rule
Taylor, William, of South Weald
Another on the same [the Ladies & the Ladies fine Cloaths]. Written with more Judgement & fewer Good Manners.
Thus to convert their old clothes into food.
Add. 37684
f. 27
When treacherous Hermes and adulterous Jove
Taylor, W.
Add. 37684
f. 27v
When treacherous Hermes and adulterous Jove
Taylor, William, of South Weald
On a Copy Painted by a Young Lady from a Madona of Carlo Dolces.
The virgin hand that drew the virgin's face.
Add. 37684
f. 27v
If ever I should chance to meet
[no heading?]
Add. 37684
f. 28
If ever I should chance to meet
One of 1000 or a Mistress for Mr.
Such a girl might kiss my [arse].
Add. 37684
f. 28
God prosper long our noble king
An Excellent Ballad To the Tune of Chevy Chace.
Till they are at Hanover.
Add. 37684
f. 28v
Tollite vos auleae humilis quae scena paratur
Prologue spoken by Mr Johnson before Terences Phormio at West[minste]r School. Nov: 26. 1723.
Spectator facilis plaude severe tace.
Add. 37684
f. 30
Missa peroratum venis paupercula nutrix
Bourne, Vincent
Epilogue to the Adelphi - Canthara. Nov: 13. 1724.
Plaudite vos faciles Canthara non anus est.
Add. 37684
f. 30v
Ecquis ibi est audito aliquis puer Andromedem da
Bourne, Vincent
Epilogue to the Andria. Nov: 1725. Crito alloq[uitur].
Quo faustum institui pergo viator iter.
Add. 37684
f. 31
A man of learning may disguise
Taylor, William, of South Weald
A Tale.
Find out a cleanlier lover to lie by her.
Add. 37684
f. 32
Tho' plagu'd with algebraic lectures
Littleton, Edward
Add. 37684
f. 34v
Though plagued with algebraic lectures
Littleton, Edward, LL.D
A Letter from Cambridge to a Gentleman at Eaton school. By Edw. Littleton; afterwards D.D. & Fellow of Eton college.
And is a madman if he feigns.
Add. 37684
f. 34v
Cosmelia's charms inspire my lays
"A Copy of Verses deliver'd to a Lady who painted, As She was walking in Tunbridge walks. "
Like Thisbe through the wall.
Add. 37684
f. 36v
A lady wise as well as fair
Swift, Jonathan
`The apology to Lady Carteret, at Dublin. 1729']
The living luster of your eyes.
Add. 37684
f. 37
A lady wise as well as fair
Swift, Jonathan
An Apology to Lady Carteret writ in Ireland by Dr Delany.
The loving lustre of your eyes.
Add. 37684
f. 37
Tu commissa diu fuerat cui mascula pubes
Alsop, Anthony
Allsopus Nicholao.
Syncope de medio tollat quod epenthesis infert.
Add. 37684
f. 39v
Hail ancient book, most venerable code
Taylor, W.
And all her streams, from thy deep mountain flow.
Add. 37684
f. 40
Hail ancient book most venerable code
The Horn-book.
And at thy handle hang my crutches up.
Add. 37684
f. 40
Lewis Lucinda weds oh that my tongue
Taylor, Anna, wife of William Taylor
To a Lady who desir'd her to write an Epithalamion. By a Lady.
And love her notes which I myself inspire.
Add. 37684
f. 41v
As I on purple tap'stry lay
[no heading?]
Add. 37684
f. 42v
As I on purple tapestry lay
Anacreons 8th Ode.
Then strove to sleep and dream again.
Add. 37684
f. 42v
Melleos haustens sitiens Cupido
E Theocrito cum levi quadam Sensus immutatione Seu potius novae allusionis additamento traductum.
Tantula tantam.
Add. 37684
f. 43
The little god of love I found
Ode 59. of Anacreon.
Of his own making.
Add. 37684
f. 43
Iam venit glacialis hyems quintusque Novembris
Taylor, William, of South Weald
Summite Materiam vestris qui scribitis aequam viribus -- Nos non curamus quantitatem syllabarum.
Nec pugna ancipiti consumunt gunnapowderum.
Add. 37684
f. 43v
As grave philosophers assure us
[no heading?]
Add. 37684
f. 50v
As grave philosophers assure us
Taylor, William, of South Weald
Ode of Horace.
Safe in the magic of my verse.
Add. 37684
f. 50v
Esquire Bull and Nic. Frog by solemn indenture
Taylor, W.
Add. 37684
f. 51v
Esquire Bull and Nick Frog by solemn indenture
Taylor, William, of South Weald
Esq: Bull & Nic Frog.
We ne'er shall be quiet as long as he reigns.
Add. 37684
f. 51v
The king observing with judicious eyes
Trapp, Joseph
Westly usher of Westm[inste]r On his Majesty sending a Regiment to be Quarter'd at Oxford & presenting Camb[ridge] with a Librarye.
How much that loyal body wanted learning.
Add. 37684
f. 53
This gives you Sir to understand
Taylor, W.
Add. 37684
f. 53v
This gives you sir to understand
Taylor, William, of South Weald
To Mr John Witty.
To gentle rest our head disposes.
Add. 37684
f. 53v
Dear Colin prevent my warm blushes
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
Lady M. Wortley to Sir W[illia]m Young.
What I in my breast do confine.
Add. 37684
f. 57
Good Madam when ladies are willing
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
Add. 37684
f. 57v
Good madam when ladies are willing
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
His Answer.
Indeed is too mellow for me.
Add. 37684
f. 57v
Artist, that underneath my table,
Littleton, Edward
Ends both the spider and the poet.
Add. 37684
f. 58
Artist who underneath the table
Littleton, Edward, LL.D
The Poet to the Spider. Littleton assistant at Eton.
Ends both the spider and the poet.
Add. 37684
f. 58
The Thracian whose fiddle so sweetly could speak [squeek?]
Wray, Daniel?
Add. 37684
f. 58v
The Thracian whose fiddlers so sweetly could squeak
Wray, Daniel
Kindly gave him the hint how to lose her again.
Add. 37684
f. 58v
Ye fair injured nymphs and ye beaux who deceive 'em
On Knox W[ar]d.
E'en let 'em mark this as a blot in his escutcheon.
Add. 37684
f. 58v
Bone and Skin two millers thin
Byrom, John
Add. 37684
f. 65v
Bone and Skin two millers thin
Byrom, John
"At Manchester assises, Biron. "
That flesh and blood won't bear it.
Add. 37684
f. 65v
Qualis hyperboreis vix unquam saeviit oris
Hunt, Thomas, orientalist
In Frigus diuturnum. Mr Hunt \now Dr/ Professor of Arabick.
Libera sit Britonum classis Ibera perit.
Add. 37684
f. 65v
Stranger or guest whome'er this hallowed grove
Edwards, Thomas
Sonnett Mr Dan. Wray.
Then welcome share the friendly groves of Wrest.
Add. 37684
f. 66