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167 Records Found
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A cobbler there was and he liv'd in a stall
`The cobbler's end'
That love brings us all to an end in the last. Derry down etc.
Montagu e. 13
f. 69v
A peerless matron pride of female life
`An epitaph on Lady Molesworth' [6 May 1763]
She lived a phoenix and expired in flame.
Montagu e. 13
f. 176
A shepherd wholly blest with Pastora's sight
I pardon beg for lines, I hastily have penned.
Montagu e. 13
f. 130
A swain, long tortured with disdain
`A song'
As you grow daring we grow kind.
Montagu e. 13
f. 46
A wretch had committed all manner of evil
`The church builder'
But all yesterday I was drunk with October.
Montagu e. 13
f. 103
Accept this lay, whilst mid intestine woe,
`To Admiral Townshend, on his destroying the Martinico Fleet [1762]
And show what British admirals ought to be.
Montagu e. 13
f. 88
Ah my too dear Myrtillo how severe
You'd be so kind to close her dying eyes.
Montagu e. 13
f. 147
Ah Sylvia 'tis a cruel law
And in my veins infused the charms.
Montagu e. 13
f. 142
Ah! Why didst thou desire of me,
Then I can leave thee; only thee I love.
Montagu e. 13
f. 139v
Alexis do not slight me so
`A song' and `The answer'
And would not from you part.
Montagu e. 13
f. 48
Alexis shunn'd his fellow swains
`A song'
He bow'd obey'd and died.
Montagu e. 13
f. 52
All in the downs the fleet was moor'd
`A song'
Adieu she cries and waves her lily hand.
Montagu e. 13
f. 12
An ape, a lion, a fox, and an ass,
[see F. B. Zimmerman, Purcell, 1963, no. 241]
Then birds of ill omen, and women no more.
Montagu e. 13
f. 96v
An oaken broken elbow chair
`A true and faithful inventory of the goods belonging to Doctor Swift'
Why not as well as Doctor Swift.
Montagu e. 13
f. 95
And canst then leave thy Nancy?
`The parting lovers a song'
So may conclude me here.
Montagu e. 13
f. 62v
As a sad turtle sits alone,
You to unfaithfulness or scorn persuade.
Montagu e. 13
f. 141v
As Celia near a fountain lay
`A song'
And rifled all her charms.
Montagu e. 13
f. 30
As he lay on the plain his arm under his head,
`A song'
And our eyes tell each other, what neither dare name.
Montagu e. 13
f. 58v
As his worm-eaten volumes old Time tumbled o'er
`On William Duke of Cumberland's defeating the rebel's at the battle of Culloden...15 April, 1747'
Made the record authentic, and gave it to__Fame.
Montagu e. 13
f. 92v
As near Portobello lying
`Admiral Hosier's ghost'
And for England sham'd in me.
Montagu e. 13
f. 63
As the brave Rook, Tholous did beat,
[on the battle off Gibralter, August 1704]
The quite contrary way.
Montagu e. 13
f. 104v
As walking forth to take the air
`A song'
Or I die for Kath'rine Ogie.
Montagu e. 13
f. 37v
At Polwart on the Green
`A song'
To take a part of mine.
Montagu e. 13
f. 9v
At St. Osyth by the mill
`The lass of St. Osyth'
And grant it all in her.
Montagu e. 13
f. 65v
At the sight of bright Celia, I lay down my arms
`A song'
That burns up my heart.
Montagu e. 13
f. 23v
Before creating nature willed
`Guess and take me' [riddle on Nothing]
Fools read, and take me for your pains.
Montagu e. 13
f. 163
Beneath this stone lies Flavia's sad remains,
`An epitaph on an old maid'
At fifty-four unasked, she died a maid.
Montagu e. 13
f. 93v
Blest as the immortal gods is he
`A song'
I fainted sank and died away.
Montagu e. 13
f. 43
Blind to thy faults I ne'er did see
`A copy of verses'
A heart, than glory in is pain.
Montagu e. 13
f. 108
Blush not, ye fair, to own me but be wise
`The lady's skull' [inscription in an alcove in the garden of Mr. Tyers at Denbygh, Surrey]
And even lend mortality a charm.
Montagu e. 13
f. 177v
Bold and undaunted shall the righteous stand,
`The wisdom of Solomon' ch. V, `paraphrased'
And on the ground, its monarchs' thrones shall cast.
Montagu e. 13
f. 153
Bright was the morning cool the air,
Turner, W.
`A song'
I never shall have rest.
Montagu e. 13
f. 7
By the side of a glimmering fire
`A song'
Stares wishfully over the pew.
Montagu e. 13
f. 33a
By the side of a murmuring stream,
`A song'
Shall pleasantly glide o'er the green.
Montagu e. 13
f. 27
Charming Chloe look with pity
`A song' [published as `True love']
Soon would be a silent shade.
Montagu e. 13
f. 5v
Clarinda the pride of the plain
And fainting in silence expired.
Montagu e. 13
f. 35v
Cold winter ah! Why art thou gone
`A ballad'
That I see the same object with him.
Montagu e. 13
f. 59
Come and listen to my ditty.
Since in yours I cannot be.
Montagu e. 13
f. 61
Come follow, follow me; you fairy elves that be
`A song'
The glow-worm lights us home to bed.
Montagu e. 13
f. 15v
Cruel Myrtillo by what fault of mine
`A copy of verses'
I shall be pleas'd so I enjoy the first.
Montagu e. 13
f. 144v
Cupid god of pleasing anguish,
`A song'
Love [does all that's great below].
Montagu e. 13
f. 15
Dear Colin prevent my warm blushes,
*Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley; Yonge, Sir William, bart. (d. 1755)
`A song', `The answer', and `Another answer'
Indeed is too mellow for me.
Montagu e. 13
f. 66v
Do not most fragrant Earl disclaim
Rowe, Nicholas
Horace, Ode II.iv [`my Lord Granville inscribed to the earl of Scarsdale' on Lord Scarsdale's supposed attachment to Mrs. Bracegirdle]
Am turn'd of five and forty.
Montagu e. 13
f. 94
Early one morn, on a raw windy day,
`A pastoral adventure'
Together to lie till they die.
Montagu e. 13
f. 97
Even temper not presuming
[acrostic on Emma Cornwall]
Lest it should conceal the same.
Montagu e. 13
f. 163v
Fair princess let me not complain
`A song' and `The answer'
With beauty wit and treasure.
Montagu e. 13
f. 17
Faithful Alexis pardon me
`The willow garland presented to Alexis on Aminta's leaving him'
Another to subdue.
Montagu e. 13
f. 129v
Father, creator of what is
King, [ ], of Farnham
`The Lord's Prayer versified'
And evermore shall be.
Montagu e. 13
f. 168v
First in our cups the sovereign queen of toasts,
Amhurst, Nicholas
`Upon Mrs. Tyrrell'
Well drest, well bred, well featur'd, and wellborn.
Montagu e. 13
f. 87
Flora goddess ever blooming
`Rural beauty of Vauxhall Gardens'
Bless'd by love and crowned with floweers.
Montagu e. 13
f. 71
From grave lessons and restraint
`A song'
If he's false I'll be so too.
Montagu e. 13
f. 55
From the womb of the earth
`A riddle'
What a whimsical creature am I.
Montagu e. 13
f. 155
Great bard and prophet of our British isle
And wear the bays before your brain turns add.e
Montagu e. 13
f. 128
Hail Sacred art! Thou gift of heaven designed
`A poem on the art of printing'
And Fust and Coster's names forever live.
Montagu e. 13
f. 158
Hail tuneful pair, say by what wondrous charms
`Transcribed', [temp. French wars, 1702, on Marguerite de l'Epine]
To her shrub hedges and tall Nottingham.
Montagu e. 13
f. 104v
Happy hours all hours excelling
`A song...the pleasures of solitude'
Age is no pain, nor youth no snare.
Montagu e. 13
f. 21v
Happy the world in that blest age
`Parents ancient and modern'
You are poor, he flings the door at you.
Montagu e. 13
f. 72v
Haste you beauteous nymphs of shades
`A song'
Till unto her I make my way.
Montagu e. 13
f. 53
Hear me you nymphs and airy swains
`A song'
To lonely wilds I'll wander.
Montagu e. 13
f. 43v
Here comes my faithless Rover
`A song'
Of mankind all the wowrld round.
Montagu e. 13
f. 45
Honor thou spongy idol of man's mind,
`A copy of verses'
That though you would, you cannot leave your cares.
Montagu e. 13
f. 130v
How can you lovely Nancy, thus cruelly slight
`Strephon's complaint'
Since I'm constant as your sex, be not fickle as ours.
Montagu e. 13
f. 69
How happy is the harmless country maid,
Love of all cares, the sweetest and the best.
Montagu e. 13
f. 77
How pleasant a sailor's life passes,
`A song'
Goes through the world brave boys.
Montagu e. 13
f. 32
I had resolved at last to put an end
`To Iris'
Those whom to further fallies she'd bewitch.
Montagu e. 13
f. 131v
I labor to resist in vain
`A song'
When we both love and are belov'd again.
Montagu e. 13
f. 58
I tell with equal truth and grief
`The thief'
And let her prison in my arms.
Montagu e. 13
f. 88v
If honor or if gratitude should move
A fond a faithful, and a generous fool.
Montagu e. 13
f. 91
Improving thus the silent lapse of time
`To the author of [T2698] by his father'
Thine life immortal, thine eternal day.
Montagu e. 13
f. 168
In country quarters still confined
`A song'
I only wake to think on thee.
Montagu e. 13
f. 29v
In my dark cell, low prostrate on the ground
Madan, Judith, nee Cowper
`Abelard to Eloisa, answer to Eloisa to Abelard by Mr. Pope'
And your racked soul be calmly hushed to peace.
Montagu e. 13
f. 82v
In vain my eyes you strive to recompense
`A copy of verses'
And only raise a fond desire.
Montagu e. 13
f. 130
Incline bright Phoebus fairest of the nine,
No art can e'er discharge the native stain.
Montagu e. 13
f. 128v
It must be so__alas, 'tis so!
`Prudella...the bachelor's soliloquy, in the manner of Cato's speech'
And makes us blessings to ourselves and man.
Montagu e. 13
f. 77v
It was when the seas were roaring
Gay, John
`A song' [from The what-d'ye-call-it]
She bowed her head and died.
Montagu e. 13
f. 22
Ladies I'm come an humble suitor to you all,
`An epilogue to [Steele's] tender husband'
Till at the last his sense is stole away.
Montagu e. 13
f. 126
Less shall proud Rome her ancient trophies boast
`Britain's triumph (written extempore, as the wagons loaded with treasure passed through the city of London, taken by Admiral Anson)' [1746]
And Anson's spoils, are from a tribute world.
Montagu e. 13
f. 92
Let fragrant eastern breezes round thee play,
`A pastoral in imitation of Mrs. Killigrew'
She had been constant then, and all my own.
Montagu e. 13
f. 160v
Like a wandering ghost I appear
`A song'
And fix them at last upon me.
Montagu e. 13
f. 35
Love fare thee well thy charms are o'er
`A copy of verses'
To put his fetters on again.
Montagu e. 13
f. 142v
Methinks I see Britannia's genius here
`A prologue...9 Dec. 1745...Theater Royal...Drury Lane, when the whole receipt of the house was applied to...giving...soldiers...flannel waistcoats'
And add new luster to his father's crown.
Montagu e. 13
f. 87v
More than content with what my labors gain
Garrick, David?
`It is said that Mr. Garrick sent the following lines to a nobleman, who asked him if he did not intend being in Parliament. March...23rd 1761'
Or wear the cap and mask, on any stage.
Montagu e. 13
f. 169v
My Celia stay, why fliest thou so,
`A song'
Or I am lost undone forever.
Montagu e. 13
f. 50v
My faults though great my Cynthia should forgive,
`To Cynthia'
Then just to teach me__I can love but one.
Montagu e. 13
f. 92
My love is chaste without desire
`To my dear Iris this description of the little passion which warms the heart of Aminta is sincerely dedicated'
Subseervient still to honor's laws.
Montagu e. 13
f. 133
Myrtillo you were much to blame
`A copy of verses'
And for that fault a victim fell.
Montagu e. 13
f. 135v
Near crystal springs and murmuring fountains
`A song'
But with my dear would live and die.
Montagu e. 13
f. 25
Near his paternal seat, here buried lies,
Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury
`An epitaph on the late right honorable Thomas Winnington esqr' [d. 1746]
And while they live, his name shall never die.
Montagu e. 13
f. 156v
Near to that sacred and immortal frame
`A copy of verses on the statue of Queen Anne, in St. Paul's Churchyard'
Like other monarchs of the Stuart line.
Montagu e. 13
f. 95v
Of all I valued, all I loved bereft,
Hervey, John, Lord Hervey (d. 1743)
`Arisbe to Marius Junior' [pr. Dodsley's Collection, 1755]
Those joys Arisbe for her Marius lost.
Montagu e. 13
f. 105
Of all your arts of gaining gearts
`Flirtation a poem'
Are fools to dear flirtations.
Montagu e. 13
f. 100
Oh! Bessy Bell and Mary Gray
`A song'
And be with ane contented.
Montagu e. 13
f. 39v
Oh death! Thou pleasing end to human woe!
`From the Gent. Mag. 1731' [on Miss Fanny Braddock at Bath]
Nor your false charms allure and cheat the brave.
Montagu e. 13
f. 76v
Oh Harry! Canst thou find no subject fit
*D., J.? or P., J.?
`A leter from J. D. [sic] to Col. Heveningham occasioned by the Col.'s two last letters. [16]98' [pr. POAS ii, 1703]
Who am thy most assured friend J. P.
Montagu e. 13
f. 123
Oh! How is lessen'd Polly P___'s praise
`Transcribed__Non formosa est sed ipse forma'
Herself is beauty, beauty's rays her own.
Montagu e. 13
f. 132v
Oh! Say where is my Phyllis gone
`The forsaken lover'
Whilst I on earth remain.
Montagu e. 13
f. 68
Oh Strephon what makes you so loudly complain
`The answer' [to T1098]
And wounded my breast with his keen pointed dart.
Montagu e. 13
f. 50
Oh! Wretched swain thy cursed stars accuse
`The royal grove'
The noble theme's too lofty for thy style.
Montagu e. 13
f. 127
Once more my muse we must an altar raise
`A poem dedicated to the blessed memory of her late Majesty Queen Mary' [1694]
And Europe owes her peace, to his victorious hand.
Montagu e. 13
f. 118
One April morn when from the sea
`A song'
Let him be Whig or Tory.
Montagu e. 13
f. 14v
Pallas destructive to the Trojan line
Garth, Samuel
`An epigram on the King of Spain' [pr. Works, 1769]
Fell by Eliza, and by Anna rose.
Montagu e. 13
f. 96v
Philander once a happy swain
`A song'
Yet is my greatest bliss.
Montagu e. 13
f. 51
Phyllis the lovely the charming the fair
`A song'
Tis Phyllis her loving, her loving again.
Montagu e. 13
f. 11v
Power, o'er ev'ry power supreme
Philips, Ambrose
`A supplication for Miss [Grace] Carteret [daughter of John, later earl of Granville] in the smallpox, Dublin July 31 1725'
And prevent the mother's weeping.
Montagu e. 13
f. 162
Proud and foolish noisy stream
`A copy of verses...translation out of Italian'
Trod on the thirsty sand, and spurned it with disdain.
Montagu e. 13
f. 101v
Remember Damon you did tell
`A song'
On's head shall flourish diadems of gold.
Montagu e. 13
f. 54
Rise Britons! Rise, with all your father's might
`Lines writ in the war with France. 1756'
That Britain's navy still commands the main.
Montagu e. 13
f. 164
Rise from your lurking-holes, each dastard fool
`On the earthquake. A word more to otherwise only'
A birchen-rod, to runaways, like you.
Montagu e. 13
f. 157
Say my Delia why are you so coy
`Words set to the first part of the Overture of Ariadne' [apparently not Handel's: but perhaps should read `third part']
I live, live Delia for me.
Montagu e. 13
f. 6
See cruel fair I die to prove
`A song'
To crown my ashes when I am dead.
Montagu e. 13
f. 8v
See cruel fair I die to prove
`A song'
To crown my ashes when I am dead.
Montagu e. 13
f. 41v
Sicilian goddess whose prophetic tongue
`The Golden Age reversed' [pr. POAS, ii, 1703]
The poet's envy, and the critic's pain.
Montagu e. 13
f. 121
Sicilian muse begin a loftier flight,
Walsh, William
`The Golden Age restored. The fourth eclogue of Virgil imitated' [pr. POAS, ii, 1703]
Honest George Churchill may supply his place.
Montagu e. 13
f. 110v
Stay gentle stream why does thou fly so fast,
`Looking in the Thames from Paris'
Refin'd by fire, and chaste as morning dew.
Montagu e. 13
f. 133v
Stella darling of the muses
`Words set to Francescina's minuet air'
Would be to resemble you.
Montagu e. 13
f. 5
Stop, passenger, until my life you've read,
`An inscription on the tombstone of one Margaret Scot...Delkirk...1738' [in printed version, `Dunkeld...1729']
I have an end of all perfection seen.
Montagu e. 13
f. 91v
Swains I scorn who nice and fair
Shall be found the man for me.
Montagu e. 13
f. 60
Sweet are the charms of her I love
Booth, Barton
`A song'
When time and death shall be no more.
Montagu e. 13
f. 33b v
Sylvia in striving to disguise
Nor love the swain who loves not you.
Montagu e. 13
f. 131
Tell me Myrtillo what could move,
`A copy of verses'
Mine shall as long as life endure.
Montagu e. 13
f. 143
Tell me, tell me charming creature
Name a day and fix on me.
Montagu e. 13
f. 40v
Thanks Strephon to your kind disdain
`A copy of verses'
So false a wretch was harbored there.
Montagu e. 13
f. 137
The counsels of a friend Belinda hear,
Lyttelton, George, 1st baron, of Frankley
`Advice to the ladies by Mr. Lyttelton' [pr. Dodsley, Collection, ii, 1748]
The rules of pleasing, which to you I give.
Montagu e. 13
f. 80
The happiest maid that ever breath'd on earth,
That part that passion busy Fate would find.
Montagu e. 13
f. 77v
The lass of Patty's mill
`A song'
Should share the same with me.
Montagu e. 13
f. 31
The last time I came o'er the moor
`A song'
My love more fresh shall blossom.
Montagu e. 13
f. 42
The nymph that undoes me, is fair and unkind;
Etherege, Sir George
`Charming Sylvia set by Dr. Green' [pr. Poems on several occasions, 1672, attr. Etherege]
Who sees her must love and who loves her must die.
Montagu e. 13
f. 49v
The Queen a message to the senate sent
Hedges, Sir Charles?
[on the refusal of the House of Commons to grant the duke of Marlborough a pension, Dec. 1702; ascribed to Sir Charles Hedges in BL Harl. 7315]
And so Her Majesty and's Grace took snuff.
Montagu e. 13
f. 104
The sisters three and brothers two,
And from the brothers snatch the laurel.
Montagu e. 13
f. 128
The sun was sunk beneath the hills
Gay, John
`A song' [music by Maurice Greene(?); pr. single sheet, 1720?]
Who pays thy worth must pay in love.
Montagu e. 13
f. 18v
Thou God, who stillest the angry ocean's noise
Marsh, C., clerk of Duke St. Chapel, Westminster
`A national prayer made in the rebellion...1745'
Man must as quick consume, as flax that catches fire.
Montagu e. 13
f. 134
Through the shady groves I wandered,
`A song'
Shield me all you powers above.
Montagu e. 13
f. 6v
Time irrecoverably flies
`By a scholar of Merchant Taylor's School on his birthday' [2 Feb. 1759, aet. 10; see also I1201]
Or that time gone, we soon shall find.
Montagu e. 13
f. 168
To day a mighty hero, comes to warm
Garth, Samuel
`A prologue to Tamerlane' [pr. Works, 1769]
At least he'll find some Cornish borough there.
Montagu e. 13
f. 103v
To drink, or not to drink, that is the question
`The soliloquy in Hamlet. Travestied'
And lose the name of drinking.
Montagu e. 13
f. 109
To marry or not to marry, that's the question
`A soliloquy in Hamlet, imitated'
And rather dies a bachelor.
Montagu e. 13
f. 79
To some remote, and distant isle I'd go
Or raze thy loved idea from my soul.
Montagu e. 13
f. 77
To some remote, and distant isle I'd go
Or raze thy loved idea from my soul.
Montagu e. 13
f. 90v
To you fair maidens I address
`A riddle on a needle given me by Miss Betty Bennet, Jan. 6, 1748/9'
Can tremble and adhere.
Montagu e. 13
f. 89v
Twas on a river's verdant side
`A song' [and `The answer']
When 'tis a pain to live.
Montagu e. 13
f. 46v
Twere hard the stage should want its benefactors.
`An epilogue
To reach the bright reward of British eyes.
Montagu e. 13
f. 125
Victorious wisdom! Whose supreme command
`Wisdom a heroic poem'
Put on my glorious robes, and my immortal crown.
Montagu e. 13
f. 98v
Virtue and fame the other day
Lyttelton, George, 1st baron, of Frankley
`Virtue and fame'
Tis Egremont!__go tell it fame!
Montagu e. 13
f. 170
What beauty does Flora disclose
`A song'
Or the pleasanter banks of the Tweed.
Montagu e. 13
f. 10v
What though I am a country lass
Parker, Martin
`A song' [alt.; engraved by Crosse, n. d.]
I value not a pin-a.
Montagu e. 13
f. 19v
What though I am a London dame,
`Answer' [to W740, `from a London lady to a country lass']
I value not a pin-a.
Montagu e. 13
f. 20v
What though they call me country lass
Carey, Henry
`A song' [sung in The provoked husband by Mrs. Cibber]
With a stand by, clear the way.
Montagu e. 13
f. 39
What ways I take to win a female prize?
Y., K.
`In the Daily Advertiser. March: 24: 1743'
And my whole soul be filled with love and you.
Montagu e. 13
f. 76
When Celadon first from his cottage did stray
`Celadon and Jug'
Twill signify nothing; for Roger's the man.
Montagu e. 13
f. 7v
When Delia on the plain appears
Lyttelton, George, 1st baron, of Frankley
`A song' [pr. Dodsley's Collection, ii, 1748]
Too sure my heart this must be love.
Montagu e. 13
f. 44v
When mortals dare a deity provoke,
`A copy of verses'
Except you soon, nay very soon repent.
Montagu e. 13
f. 132
When sad Britannia feared of late
`On Mr. Walpole's recovery' [1710]
To hang up honest Harley.
Montagu e. 13
f. 113v
When sultry Phoebus with canicular heat
`A copy of verses'
And since they're women will conceal their shame.
Montagu e. 13
f. 114v
While on the stage I saw a passion feign'd
`A copy of verses'
Who yet without thee, never can be blest.
Montagu e. 13
f. 134v
Whilst I in sleep last night was laid
`The dream'
I found such bliss is but a dream.
Montagu e. 13
f. 72
Whilst mighty Jove sweet Semele enjoys
`To Mr. Handel, after hearing some of his airs in Semele...Lent season 1744'
Till we in ecstasy dissolve away.
Montagu e. 13
f. 76v
Whilst sky-born justice, mild, sagacious, clear,
`To the childe (between 10 and 11) whose benevolence got the plaintiff his father, his damage in a cause (Lockman v. Salisbury Coach owners)...1745'
Thus to breathe life in him, who gave thee thine.
Montagu e. 13
f. 109
Whilst weeping Europe bends beneath her ills
Garth, Samuel
`A poem on the earl of Godolphin sometime after he was discharged of his office of Lord High Treasurer' [attr. Garth in BL Add. 27407; pr. 1710 `by Dr. G__h']
Your globe of light looks larger as you set.
Montagu e. 13
f. 110
Why are all these exclamations
`A song'
For to blast their happiness.
Montagu e. 13
p. 122
Why should we fear that which we cannot fly
Since fear is vain, why should we fear to die?
Montagu e. 13
f. 130v
Why start?__the case is yours__or will be soon
`The gentleman's skull. Inscription for a skull in an alcove in the garden of Mr. Tyers at Denbigh in Surrey'
The only happy, are the early wise.
Montagu e. 13
f. 176v
Will not the rose as quickly fade
`In answer to Strephon'
Which time and riper judgement mend.
Montagu e. 13
f. 129
Without a mother did my life begin
`A riddle'
I ne'er was born, but yet alas! I died.
Montagu e. 13
f. 175v
Yes, ev'ry hopeful son of rhyme,
`Epistle to a friend, on the report of the intended marriage of...George III...London spy, 29 Aug. 1761...Cambridge July 10'
And I and Europe live in peace.
Montagu e. 13
f. 171v
You ask my friend how I can Delia prize,
`The lover's answer to Sir C:__ G'
And owns the powerful preasence of a God.
Montagu e. 13
f. 93
You shepherds and nymphs that adorns the gay plains
`A song'
Commend her to Heaven, thyself to the grave.
Montagu e. 13
f. 9
You strive in vain Amintor to persuade
`A copy of verses'
And then retire to my blest rival's arms.
Montagu e. 13
f. 143v