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81 Records Found
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A hermit's house beside a stream
`Retirement__written in America by a native bard. M[orning] Herald 1789'
To triumph not to die.
Montagu e. 14
f. 56v
A youth adorned with ev'ry art
Mallet, David
`A song in the masque of Alfred'
No cries awake the dead.
Montagu e. 14
f. 37
Ah! Delia see the fatal hour!
Carter, Elizabeth
`Translated from the Italian by Miss [Elizabeth] Carter'
Wilt ever think on me?
Montagu e. 14
f. 24v
Ah! Hills beloved! Where once a happy child
Smith, Charlotte
`Sonnet. To the South Downs'
There's no oblivion but in death alone!
Montagu e. 14
f. 26
Ah Robin, dear Robin, adieu!
Chapman, Elizabeth
`On the death of a favorite robin' [June 1793]
Ah Robin, dear Robin, adieu!
Montagu e. 14
f. 8
Ah wherefore, tyrant passion with thy rage
`Scriblerus...Sonnet...4 June 1789'
And lov'd Eliza's bliss be all my grateful care!
Montagu e. 14
f. 49v
Ah who can tell how hard it is to climb
Beattie, James
`The Minstrel' [I.xxiii-xxvii]
Bright through th'eternal year of love's triumphant reign.
Montagu e. 14
f. 27
All hail inexorable lord
Burns, Robert
`To ruin'
Within thy cold embrace?
Montagu e. 14
f. 11v
Almighty power my father and my friend,
`Scriblerus...A prayer...vide Spectator no. [blank] vol. [blank]'
Oh! let us meet, and bless thy name at last.
Montagu e. 14
f. 15
Amid the purple clouds, the glitt'ring sun
`Scriblerus...On sunset. Vide opening to Marmontel's Sheperdess of the Alps'
Oh! wretched life, how weary is thy stay!
Montagu e. 14
f. 26
As Britain's monarch guards our favour'd isle,
`Twelfth-day character__King'
To bless his subjects, and adorn his throne.
Montagu e. 14
f. 8v
As some brave knight who once with spear and shield,
Rowe, Nicholas
`Epilogue to the comedy of Love for Love represented in the spring of 1709 for the benefit of Mr. Thomas Betterton'
And hang his consecrated buskin here.
Montagu e. 14
f. 34
As those we love decay, we die in part
Thomson, James
Till dying, all he can resign is breath!
Montagu e. 14
f. 25v
At the close of the day, when the hamlet is still
Beattie, James
`The hermit'
And beauty immortal awakes from the tomb.
Montagu e. 14
f. 15v
Beneath the fir-tree's mournful shade
`Scriblerus' `Epitaph on a canary-bird and blackbird buried in Eliza's garden March 1790'
As spotless as her own.
Montagu e. 14
f. 71
Beneath this covering, innocence shall sleep,
Chapman, Elizabeth
`Lines from Eliza to her god-daughter...May 1789'
Thy spirit join its kindred spirits there.
Montagu e. 14
f. 49v
Blest be thy friendly light which o'er the plain
`Scriblerus' `Sonnet to the moon. Composed...1788'
Confide in him my father and my God.
Montagu e. 14
f. 11
Could but our tempers move like this machine
`For a watch'
And everlasting joy, when time shall be no more.
Montagu e. 14
f. 36v
Dark was the night, and wild the storm,
Percy, Thomas, bp. of Dromore
`The hermit of Warkworth a Northumberland ballad'
All worthy of their name.
Montagu e. 14
f. 58v
Eliza thou whose sympathetic heart
`Scriblerus' `Sonnet. To Eliza recovering from sickness. (Novr. 1788)'
Where pain and sorrow cease, and ev'ry thought is joy.
Montagu e. 14
f. 31v
Faintly brayed the battle's roar
Penrose, Thomas
`The field of battle'
to worse than death and deepest night.
Montagu e. 14
f. 22
For ever fortune wilt thyu prove.
Thomson, James
Make but the dear Amanda mine.
Montagu e. 14
f. 28
Friend, sister, partner of that gentle heart,
Langhorne, Dr. John
`Precepts of conjugal happiness; addressed to a lady on her marriage'
To teach that prudence which itself admires.
Montagu e. 14
f. 52
From thee Eliza I must go
Burns, Robert
`The Ayrshire plowman'
And thine the latest sigh.
Montagu e. 14
f. 11
Go patter to lubbers and swabs, do ye see,
Dibdin, Charles, 1745_1814
`Poor Jack'
Will look out a good berth for poor Jack!
Montagu e. 14
f. 57
Go! Yarrow flower thou shalt be blest
Hamilton, William, of Bangor
`The flower of Yarrow. To Lady Mary Montgomery' [one of the twenty children of Alexander Montgomerie, 9th earl of Eglintoun]
The charm of beauty is possessing.
Montagu e. 14
f. 29
Goddess of golden dreams! Whose magic power
`Fancy__an elegy'
And give me, more than fortune can bestow!
Montagu e. 14
f. 30
Hark! From afar the solemn bell
`The death-bell. Written at Warminster Augt. 1788'
In happier realms to dwell.
Montagu e. 14
f. 21
Haste away thou tardy lover
You shall find a welcome here.
Montagu e. 14
f. 35
How shall the muse, the muse of late so gay
T., Miss E. S.
`Sonnet. To T. E. T. on his birthday 4 Janry. 1789'
The rose content, if not the diamond fame.
Montagu e. 14
f. 37
How sleep the brave who sink to rest,
Collins, William
`Epitaph written in the year 1745'
To dwell a weeping hermit there.
Montagu e. 14
f. 57v
How sleep the brave who sink to rest,
Collins, William
`Epitaph written in the year 1745'
To dwell a weeping hermit there.
Montagu e. 14
f. 43v
I long have thought my youthful friend
Burns, Robert
`Epistle to a young friend'
Than ever did th'adviser.
Montagu e. 14
f. 13v
I love thee, mournful sober-suited night
Smith, Charlotte
`To night. A sonnet'
May reach, though lost on earth the ear of Heav'n.
Montagu e. 14
f. 18
It was a winter's evening, and fast came down the snow
`A winter piece (elegant extracts'
Then cast her eyes to heaven, bowed her head and died.
Montagu e. 14
f. 28
Know thou, O stranger to the fame
Burns, Robert
[epitaph `for R. A. esq.' [pr. Poems 1787]
A warmer heart death ne'er made cold.
Montagu e. 14
f. 11v
Let coward guilt with pallid fear
Carter, Elizabeth
`Written at midnight in a thunderstorm' [pr. Poems, 1762]
Of everlasting day.
Montagu e. 14
f. 23
My muse attend, inspire my pen to say
`On the Magdalen Charity really written by a Magdalen. A.D. 1789'
Yes calumny! they pray, rejoice and praise.
Montagu e. 14
f. 58
Nor faith, nor hope whate'er their source,
Hayley, William
`A hymn written for Sunday schools'
The knowledge of her God.
Montagu e. 14
f. 41v
Of all the ills unhappy mortals know
`Lines written on the window of an inn in Scotland'
Long worn with griefs and long without a friend.
Montagu e. 14
f. 32
Oh! Pause awhile whoe'er thou art,
Harrington, Dr.
`Lines inscribed on the pump in the Pump Room at Bath'
The poor receive from thee.
Montagu e. 14
f. 31v
Oh! Thou that with a crime before unknown,
`Scriblerus' 1Epitaph. Vide New Atlantis'
From guilty pleasures, and a broken vow.
Montagu e. 14
f. 18
Oh! Thou, who know'st a lenient balm to lay,
`To time a sonnet__Morning herald Dec. 1. 1788'
That hopes from thee, and thee alone a cure.
Montagu e. 14
f. 35v
Parent of virtue, if thine ear
Langhorne, Dr. John
`Hymn. To humanity'
Indulge my votive strain, oh sweet humanity!
Montagu e. 14
f. 42
Rise, honored poet, from thy hallowed bed.
`The Shakespeare gallery...opened by Mr. Alderman Boydell, in Pall Mall, May 1789'
Which Britain and her Shakespeare owe to thee.
Montagu e. 14
f. 50
Roving through life's uncertain ways
T., T. E.
`To the same friend [see fol. 6] Dec. 2 1793'
No groundless fears destroy.
Montagu e. 14
f. 7
Sleep, sleep, poor youth! Sleep, sleep in peace,
D'Urfey, Thomas
`A dirge...in Don Quixote'
The folly of the farce is done.
Montagu e. 14
f. 20
Sweet minstrel! For thy piteous fate,
`On a blackbird who perished in a cage through want. March. 1790...Morning herald'
A fun'ral hymn to chant.
Montagu e. 14
f. 70v
Sweet semblance of the absent fair,
`To Eliza's portrait...June 1789'
In brightest tints endure.
Montagu e. 14
f. 54
The glories of our birth and state
Shirley, James
`The vanity of greatness'
Smell sweet, and blossom in the dust.
Montagu e. 14
f. 17v
The poor man weeps, here G___ sleeps,
Burns, Robert
`On G. H. esq.' [pr. Poems, 1787]
May I be sav'd or damn'd.
Montagu e. 14
f. 11v
The sailor sighs as sinks his native shore,
Rogers, Samuel
`A sailor's elegy'
And clasps the maid he singled from the world.
Montagu e. 14
f. 40
This sacred grotto pass not by,
`Lines inscribed in a grotto...at Widcomb near Bath'
But like this fountain constant flow.
Montagu e. 14
f. 35v
Thou gentle son of silence and of night
Hutton, H.
`To sleep. A sonnet' [imitation of G. B. Marino, Rime, 1602]
At least the image of that death I crave.
Montagu e. 14
f. 41
Though thou, my charming boy, wert born
`To a natural child__translated from Secundus...Publ. Adv., March '90'
A joy he never felt till now.
Montagu e. 14
f. 71
Through groves sequestered, dark, and still,
Hawksworth, Dr.
`A moral thought'
And mingles with eternity.
Montagu e. 14
f. 18v
Through summer's heat and winter's cold,
`Scriblerus...to Eliza on her birthday Decr. 21st 1788'
Thy heart where truth and friendship reign.
Montagu e. 14
f. 36
Thy braes were bonny Yarrow stream
Logan, John
`The braes of Yarrow' [pr. Poems, 1781]
And now with him she sleeps in Yarrow.
Montagu e. 14
f. 39
Thy self-wrought sorrows Werther whilst I view
Peckard, Mrs. Martha (Ferrar)
`On reading The sorrows of Werther'
That virtuous tears alone for virtuous sorrows flow.
Montagu e. 14
f. 34
Tired of the world's tumultuous alarms
Though short our friendship when we bade farewell!
Montagu e. 14
f. 18v
Tis not the fear of death or smart,
`Lines in answer to a challenge'
Whenever she's not there.
Montagu e. 14
f. 40
To horrid wastes I go, to savage climes,
`Lines written at Portsmouth by a convict going to Botany Bay...Pub. Adv., Aug. 1789'
Since English earth may mingle with his mold'ring heart!
Montagu e. 14
f. 56
To thee, sweet innocence I send
Chapman, Elizabeth
`Lines...to her god-daughter, with a present of the manual of religious morality__Febry. 1789'
The index of an heavenly mind.
Montagu e. 14
f. 40v
Unmourned the young Lorenzo dies
`Lines (by a lady) on the death of a young gentleman who came from...abroad...and died'
The lily and the friend shall weep.
Montagu e. 14
f. 38
Untimely gone, forever fled!
Logan, John
`On the death of a young lady'
Though moistened with a tender tear!
Montagu e. 14
f. 20
Wee, modest, crimson-tipped flower
Burns, Robert
`To a mountain daisy on tuning one down with the plough in April 1786' [pr. Poems, 1787]
Shall be thy doom.
Montagu e. 14
f. 16v
What are the boasted joys of love?
`Song. In the opera of The prophet'
That did not tremble too.
Montagu e. 14
f. 36v
What I shall leave thee, none can tell,
Corbett, Richard
`To his son Vincent on his birthday the 10th November 1630, being then three years of age' [pr. Poems, 1647]
As innocent as now thou art.
Montagu e. 14
f. 157v
What is the existence of man's life
King, Henry
`The dirge' [pr. Poems, 1657]
And leaves no epilogue but death.
Montagu e. 14
f. 24
Whate'er of mild affections was beloved
`Epitaph, on Mrs. Fagan in St. Pancras churchyard'
And strive to copy what they must admire.
Montagu e. 14
f. 29
When chill November's surly blast
Burns, Robert
`Man was made to mourn; a dirge' [pr. Poems, 1787]
That weary-laden mourn!
Montagu e. 14
f. 12
When love with unconfined wings
Lovelace, Richard
[pr. Lucasta, 1649, with ref. to setting by John Wilson]
Know no such liberty.
Montagu e. 14
f. 26v
When we with dire distress are sore oppressed,
`On suicide'
The coward kills himself, the brave lives on!
Montagu e. 14
f. 21
Where mid the ruins of a fallen state__
`The following poem of The exile was occasioned by reading [O44] and is inscribed in the mirror'
To clasp the sod, and feel my woes no more!
Montagu e. 14
f. 32
Where'er thy mortal part be laid
`In memory of the Revd. Mr. Dobey late chaplain to the Magdalen (diary Th. June 25, 1789)' [John D., ordained priest London 24 Dec. 1758?]
Peace to thy manes gentle shade!
Montagu e. 14
f. 51v
While 'mid the sweet retreats of Stowe
T., T. E.
`T.E.T....lines to a friend. May 1793'
And at his call retire.
Montagu e. 14
f. 6
While night in solemn shades invests the pole,
`To Eliza. Written at midnight...July 1. 1796'
With its last pulse, to beat for her alone.
Montagu e. 14
f. 71v
Whoe'er like me with trembling anguish brings
`On a lady who died...at the [Bristol] hot wells...in the evening paper'
And not to earth resigned her, but to God.
Montagu e. 14
f. 28v
Why love's my flower, the sweetest flower
Langhorne, Dr. John
`The wall-flower'
That bloom to cheer his lonely way.
Montagu e. 14
f. 54v
Why steals from my bosom the sigh
Mackenzie, Henry
`Elegy from The man of feeling' [1771]
The thought of her Colin pursue.
Montagu e. 14
f. 44
Ye woods and ye mountains unknown
Mallet, David
`Song. In the masque of Alfred'
I feel till I see her again.
Montagu e. 14
f. 37v